On May 5, 2018, ICG Groups held the second international students’ career exhibition. Held in Melbourne Town Hall, the fair invited more than 40 companies from various industries, such as CPA, CBRE Melbourne, Enrichment drea holdings and NAVITAS Groups, to provide more than 50 positions for overseas students.
At 1 p.m., job seekers stepped into the venue with resumes in hand. Then, the CEO of agco group made a speech, welcoming the company and all the job seekers. The pro bono career fair is free for all participants. ICG has also launched an ICG business incubator to provide a series of assistance, such as business counseling and financing, to students who are interested in starting a business in Melbourne.
We are also honored to have City of Melbourne Phillip Liu give a speech. Phillip, who also came from China to study in Australia in the past, has a deep understanding of the difficulties of overseas students in finding jobs, and supports this career exhibition very much. He also said that City of Melbourne hopes to nurture promising start-ups that have the opportunity to get financial support from the government. This exhibition is also strongly supported by the chamber of commerce.
The event lasted until 4 p.m. After the student exhibition, the participating companies are very enthusiastic to communicate with the students. We learned from the participating companies that there were 10 students who successfully won positions in the company and started their first job in the workplace.
Aike is committed to providing one-stop service for international students. From studying abroad to entering the workplace, aike is willing to contribute to make your life easier.